Chapter 4112 My Slutty Sister's Life(Incest/Taboo):>Ep2
- She went through a one week long dry spell. At the end of it we were sitting on the sofa watching some inane program on cable TV, having a glass of wine. One thing we hardily agreed on was we both liked good red wines. We would occasionally spurge on a couple of bottles, especially after she had a good sale or I got an article printed. We had gone through about half a bottle of an excellent French red and were just mellow. It was a Friday and neither of us had to work the next day. She was stretched out with her feet in my lap as I casually rubbed her feet and lower legs. Something we had done many, many times. For some reason, (maybe there was something in the wine?) it felt really erotic. Of course, any touch felt erotic to me but more so tonight.
- "I miss Gary tonight. It would feel great to have him loving me but that's passed. Know he's already dating another woman."
- Maybe it was the wine or the evening but I made a big mistake. "Yeah, he was a great stud."